conemis transition cloud Release Notes 20.3.3

October 27, 2020
conemis Development


Hiding empty lanes in Activity Graph


In large projects , the Activity Graph can become crowded. To give users an easier overview, lanes in the Activity Graph, which do not contain activities in the currently selected categories, are now hidden. As soon as there are new activities or activities activated by filters in these lanes, the lanes appear.


Improved number display in Control Center


Limiting the displayed decimal places to 2 in the Objects Table on the Connection Detail Page in Control Center.

Bug Fixes

conemis MIGRATOR

We fixed the browser favicon not being consistent in all modules of conemis transition cloud.

conemis MIGRATOR – SIEBEL Exporter

Double quotes around SQL aliases in export task configurations for the Siebel Exporter didn’t work correctly in some situations. This was fixed.


The project selection list dropdown was not working correctly under certain circumstances. This was fixed.