conemis transition cloud Release Notes 21.1.0

February 23, 2021
conemis Development


Formula editor for Mapping Rule Groups

conemis MIGRATOR

To create and edit formulas on Mapping Rule Groups more easily, the simple formula editor is now also available for those. If you click on the small icon on the right side of the existing formula input field, a popup with a bigger text area will open and you can edit the formula within.

Notification for the first activity in a project


To learn about the notification functionality and to learn about a (new) project being available in conemis NAVIGATOR, users see a notification when the first activity in a project they can access has been created.

Dedicated lane for activities not related to an object


Some activities – like a customization picklist update in conemis MIGRATOR  or start activities in conemis ANALYZER – are not related to specific objects. Therefore, they belong in no regular object lane of the activity graph. Therefore these kind of activities are now displayed in a separate lane called "Not object related".

Bug Fixes

conemis MIGRATOR
Fixed an issue in which customization changes were not always tracked correctly.

Scales in the object lanes didn't always match the scales of a connection lane in the activity graph. This was fixed.