The next dimension in software migration – coming in 2023!

December 21, 2022
Michael Wirth

conemis software makes migration safe, smooth, and a lot faster than you might expect. It is an easy-to-learn solution for automating and managing a migration end-to-end. The whole migration process runs automatically while you can monitor it, assess the current status and keep track of your data at any time.  

So far, the functionality of conemis transition cloud comes in three dimensions:

  • Application Assessment delivers unified analysis and scoping for immediate assessment of systems from Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, Salesforce, and others. It will save time in quickly understanding applications and data.
  • Data Migration is automated with a pre-defined process. Tested mappings and rules stay in place and are safe while allowing agile adjustments along the way. Replacing the juggling of files with reliable repeatability and flexibility without losing track is what leads to success.
  • Project Performance lets everyone stay on top of their projects. Live genuine progress insight and reporting at any time fuels communication, collaboration, and helps solve issues quickly to keep the project going at full speed.
  • ... [coming in 2023]
  • With numerous insightful lessons learned from customer projects, including some of the most complex CRM projects on the planet, we are ready to add the fourth dimension.

    What will it be?  

    Stay tuned for early 2023!

    Learn more about conemis software here.

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